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Posted by Nur Sarah Rashidi - - 0 comments

Millions of people around the globe look into the future hoping for a brighter one with each new day.

But we could lose our natural gifts.

Everyday someone consumes an endangered species.

Everyday someone pollutes the ocean, killing healthy marine life.

Everyday a forest is threatened by deforestation.

Everyday wildlife gets killed for sale.

Without healthy forest and marine ecosystems, our food supply would be adversely affected. Without healthy forests, we could lose our freshwater sources, ultimately depreciating our quality of life.

By helping to protect our environment, we are also protecting our livelihoods, food and water supply; securing our good quality of life and our children's bright future.

Make the right call and pledge to "Live Green".

What does it mean to Live Green?

: A decision to stop consuming endangered wildlife, which helps conserve healthy marine and forest ecosystems, thus protecting our food, freshwater and other ecological services; ultimately safeguarding our quality of life.

Choose to be a conservation hero for the good of all the Earth!

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Posted by Nur Sarah Rashidi - - 0 comments

Having the ability to emphatize and display compassion is a natural human gift that we can give to others at zero cost. A gift that could sometimes save lives!

Whenever a close friend or family is in distress, do you find yourself offering your best advice or seeking ways to comfort him/her? The more important question is, how do you know if your efforts are really making a difference?

Befrienders Malaysia are FRIENDS to those who are suicidal, depressed or in despair.

With the support and training from other experienced volunteers and professional experts, you could possibly be a life saving friend under Befrienders Malaysia.

If you want to be a greater friend to others and have no discrimination against creed, race, religion, age or sex, become a volunteer and begin changing lives today.

Don't have the time and rather offer financial support? Donate to the cause instead! - DONATE.

Most of all, if you are feeling depressed or suicidal, or just needed someone to talk to, call the Befrienders at 03-79568144/45, at anytime, day or night!

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Posted by Nur Sarah Rashidi - - 0 comments

The World Youth Foundation (WYF) is an international non-governmental organization that aims to promote research, development and documentation of youth programmes beneficial to youths worldwide.

The Foundation has organized various seminars/meetings, conferences/dialogues for youth in areas such as population, HIV/AIDS, human rights, education, environment, sustainable development, terrorism, racism, entrepreneurship, globalization, culture, drug and substance abuse  etc.

Backed by international efforts to tackle worldwide issues, youths all over the world are given an opportunity to take lead on beneficial projects that they are passionate about and voice them out in hope to make the world a better place.

In this generation, more young adults are getting involved in efforts to take on global issues like climate change and  environmental declination. However, this is only one of the many issues that World Youth Foundation seeks to engage and empower young people to take lead on. 

If you have a passion for human rights, peace, the environment, or any other world changing efforts, get in touch with World Youth Foundation and be a force of change.

The greatest efforts are those that put actions above words.

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Posted by Nur Sarah Rashidi - - 0 comments

The kidney is a vital part of the body that helps to remove waste products and excess water from the body. The bean-shaped organ allows us to consume a variety of foods, drugs, vitamins, and excess fluids without the harmful build-up of toxic waste.

As vital as the organ is to the body, a lot of us tend to take it for granted and neglect the importance of thinking before consuming. But be warned my friends! The kidneys are also considered as "silent killers" - meaning they could possibly fail without warning! Which brings to the fact that prevention is always better than cure.  

Kidneys could fail for more reasons than one - sometimes even affecting the healthiest dieters. Failure in the kidneys will result in patients having to turn to dialysis treatment and will also face lifelong challenges.  

As of September 2011, the National Kidney Foundation records that 1435 patients are in need of dialysis treatment, which brings about the need to raise RM12 million of funds. 

In order to provide the treatment that kidney failure patients require, your help and donation would make a world of a difference to those in need. Every cent counts!

Find out more on how you can contribute below...

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Posted by Nur Sarah Rashidi - - 0 comments

Malaysia is a country of growing cultures, ethnics, race and religion.

In the recent years, refugees from neighbouring countries and afar have been adding to the country's population, taking up local jobs in search of a means to get by.

According to UNHCR Malaysia, there are currently 94,800 refugees and asylum-seekers registered under them (as of September 2011) and an estimated 10,000 more that are unregistered. The staggering numbers consist of about 71% men, 29% women and about 19,200 children below the age of 18. 

Unlike migrants, refugees do not choose to leave their countries but are forced to do so for reasons such as armed conflict, serious public disorder and complex human rights issues. Refugees in Malaysia leave their homelands with little or no support and require the help of organizations such as the UNHCR to find long term solutions to their situations. 

In order to rise up above adversity, refugees require your initial support, donation and sponsorship in order to begin a new life of self-reliance.

The first step towards understanding is to learn about refugees. Contact the UNHCR to find out how you can assist refugees in Malaysia.

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Posted by Nur Sarah Rashidi - - 0 comments

Youth Jam will be hitting KL in 2012! Want to be a part of the extraordinary organizing team? 

Bringing you fun and an opportunity to gain experience, the extraordinary Youth Leaders and Youth Communities of Malaysia will be organizing an all new Youth Jam 2012 at four different states in Malaysia - Penang, Kuala Lumpur, Perak and Sarawak.

With experience of influencing 50,000 youths in Malaysia, the Youth Jam Team hopes to gather 100,000 youths in 2012; engaging them in new initiatives and providing a platform for the youth to develop new skills.

For this, a team of passionate and driven youths are required to turn ideas into actions. 

Calling all youths in Kuala Lumpur! 
If you wish to join the Youth Jam Team KL, make sure to find out more in the website below. You will surely be up for a crazy ride!



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Posted by Nur Sarah Rashidi - - 0 comments

The starz are out in 2012 and the dates have been aligned... 

January 7th marks the date when 8 potential starz will battle it out on the stage to give you the most entertaining time ever! 

After a gruelling search, 8 groups/individual talents made it to the final Twisties Superstarz and will be showcasing their music after receiving special grooming attention from 4 celebrity judges. 

The 8 finalists to look forward to are :

Avantguard (A.V.G.)
Rhythm Nation
Cheryl Koh
Jason Francis
Nicholas Ng
Heart A Tack
Eddie Courtney

The Coundown:

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Posted by Nur Sarah Rashidi - - 0 comments

FUTURE MUSIC FESTIVAL makes its debut in Asia by choosing Malaysia as its destination for the biggest ever dance music festival in March 2012!! How big? We're talking Tinie Tempah, Chemical Brothers and Gym Class Heroes, people! 'Like' the Facebook page to be on top of festival updates!

The Countdown:

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